The tradition established in the 11th century of mosaic has lasted into the modern era in Venice. Mosaic, like the city’s own mythical tradition and patron saint Mark have stood the test of time in Venice. Of all of the mosaic decoration covering the interior and exterior of San Marco, the programs featuring St. Mark in the Chapel San di Pietro, the Chapel San Clemente, the vault leading to the Zen Chapel and on the façade of San Marco best portray the significance of the myth of Venice and depict some of the most important scenes of biblical and Venetian history. The emphasis on the legend of St. Mark was in response to ecclesiastic and political pressures the Venetian state faced. Mosaics depicting St. Mark show how these pressures manifested in the Venetian identity and how much of their iconography and mosaic style was influenced by cities they wished to be independent from such as Rome, Ravenna and Constantinople.

Western Facade of the Basilica of San Marco, (Image provided by UMW Slide Library).


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